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Natural Ways to Sound Better While Singing

Natural Ways to Sound Better While Singing

Natural Ways to Sound Better While Singing

Scale practice, increasing tongue-soft palate coordination, practicing tongue and lip trills, and just humming are all great ways to loosen up your vocal cords and get them ready for business. Breathing exercises are a great place to start if you want to improve your singing abilities.And, unless they’ve been schooled, most vocalists, even pros, are unaware of this information. Most voice coaches aren’t even aware of this.

If you can, stand in front of a mirror because I’m going to want you to keep an eye on your jaw and head position as you sing to control movement. They are as follows:

The Top 3 Secrets to Sounding Natural While Singing

1. The “Instant Vocal Fix” is number one.

This is a simple approach that quickly improves the tone of your voice. A-E-I-O-U is pronounced A-E-I-O-U. (watch your jaw movement in the mirror). Your jaw was most certainly closed on the E and the U, as well as most, if not all, of the other letters. Pull your jaw down 2 inches with your first two fingers (or, even better, prop your jaw open with a plastic bottle cap or a cork (wine)).

2. For High Notes, “Think Down.”

Consider how an elevator operates the next time you sing an ascending vocal scale or a high note. When a hefty weight is linked to a pulley, the elevator actually climbs up to the higher levels as the weight pulls down. So, when the weight is the heaviest, the highest floor is reached. You can think down for high notes or add weight (resistance) to your high notes

3. Increased Power with Less Stress

Who wouldn’t want more power without the effort? This is a basic approach to use, and it’s a little less difficult than the last one. When you aim for extra power, all you have to do is maintain your chin slightly down and your pectorals slightly flexed (okay, sometimes a lot flexed). To sing louder, most vocalists extend forward or raise their chin.

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